Midterms are coming up, and these times can be stressful for anyone. Preparing is the best way to ace those midterms, so here are some tips to help you prepare.
1. Get a good night’s sleep before the exam.
2. An
absolute must if you can: get prior years’ exams and, with a small group
of classmates, prepare point form sample answers to share among
3. Review
your notes to see all the items the professor indicated were important.
In some cases, s/he might even have hinted at exam topics.
4. Take a
quick scan of the course outline – make a note of the topics the
professor seemed to spend a lot of time on, or otherwise emphasized.
5. Take a
look at the assignments if there were any – see if you can find topics,
skills or techniques that were emphasized, especially those after the
6. Did the professor comment on areas of weakness on the mid-term? These sometimes reappear on the final.
7. Make a
set of study notes from your class notes and the text. Writing them down
in condensed format aids in recall during the final exam, and in some
cases, helps you identify items you need to clarify with a friend or
teaching assistant. Work with the group you formed to address point 2.
If you like – this can increase the scope of your studying.
8. If there
is a key item you need to remember for the exam, study it right before
you enter the exam room. Right after the exam starts, write down what
you know. A favorite is to list formulas (or dates?) that you need to
remember. If you wait until you are freaked out by a difficult exam
question, you might not remember them.
9. Make
sure you have a meal that includes carb’s AND proteins before the exam.
This will give you staying power. Take a granola bar and fluids to your
exam desk if permitted.
10. In case you have forgotten the first, and very important point, get a good night’s sleep before the exam.
For more information see Top 10 Tips.